How Does a City become Smart? The Smart City our Government plans to implement, Build/Create, will require enormous amounts of planning, Budgeting, and Scheduling. The implementation of Information Communication Technology (ICT),
Will become the crosshairs of the modern and new Bahamian City. The adoption, mentioning and use of the term smart city, came into effect around 2010 or thereafter.
It was to make known the increasing use of technology and data collection that would guide and steer managers of cities to make informed decisions.Examples of Smart City technologies and programs have been implemented in Dubai, Milton Keynes, Southampton, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Madrid, Stockholm, China and New York. A Smart City is an urban area that uses different types of electronic data collection sensors to supply information which is used to manage assets and resources efficiently. This includes data collected from citizens, devices, and assets that are processed and analyzed to monitor and manage traffic and transportation systems, power plants, water supply networks, waste management, law enforcement, information systems, schools, libraries, hospitals, and other community services. The smart city concept integrates information and communication technology (ICT), and various physical devices connected to the network, Internet of things or ( IoT) to optimize the efficiency of city operations and services and connect to citizens. Smart city technology allows city officials to interact directly with both community and city infrastructure and to monitor what is happening in the city and how the city is evolving. A smart city may, therefore, be more prepared to respond to challenges than one with a simple "transactional" relationship with its citizens. According to Prof. Jason Pomeroy, in addition to technology, smart cities "acknowledge and seek to preserve culture, heritage, and tradition", such as Barcelona in Spain. Yet, the term itself remains unclear in its specifics and therefore, open to many interpretations. Major technological, economic and environmental changes have generated interest in smart cities, including climate change, economic restructuring, the move to online retail and entertainment, aging populations, urban population growth and pressures on public finances. The UK Department for Business, Innovation, and Skills (BIS) considers smart cities a process rather than a static outcome, in which increased citizen engagement, hard infrastructure, social capital and digital technologies make cities more livable, resilient and better able to respond to challenges. IBM defines a smart city as “one that makes optimal use of all the interconnected information available today to better understand and control its operations and optimize the use of limited resources. Cisco defines smart cities as those who adopt “scalable solutions that take advantage of information and communications technology (ICT) to increase efficiencies, reduce costs, and enhance the quality of life. We at GCC however, are aligned with the dynamics of a sustainable green, smart city, That impacts global warming carbon footprint and the embracing and use of ICT while having a digital base protocol. Further, according to the Manchester Digital Development Agency, “a ‘smart city’ means ‘smart citizens’ – where citizens have all the information they need to make informed choices about their lifestyle, work, and travel options”.
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